Level Up The Music At Your next Corporate Event

Happy party-goers drink and laugh at their corporate event, the work of an amazing corporate and event DJ
  • Enjoy peace of mind by hiring a professional

  • Music that elevates your event

  • Increase Brand Awareness 

By providing industry leading customer service, and the best DJs we make it easy for you.

You want to hire an amazing DJ that can provide music to fit your event, but there are so many choices - what’s the difference?

Tell me if this sounds familiar: Your inbox is full of quotes from different DJ companies without any discernable difference other than price.   You don’t want to hire a cheap DJ but if there is no difference then why not pick the cheapest?

Think about the best party you’ve ever been to. I bet you remember the occasion and the venue, and I bet you’ve told stories about that party to all your friends.  Now imagine your company's event being that occasion and being a part of the conversation every time someone tells the story of their favorite party.

After hundreds of events, we have honed in on the perfect process that makes it easy for our clients and ensures our music fits the event’s vibe and has your guests talking about it for years to come. Or until the next one!

An overwhelmed regional manager put her hand to her face after seeing all the different Vancouver Corporate Event DJs

How Much will it cost to have a professional Vancouver DJ at our corporate event?

Just need a DJ? Our corporate packages start at $1299.

Need lights and a sound system too? Our corporate package starts at $1599.

Get in touch with us today to get a custom proposal that includes package details and exact pricing!

A Vancity weddings icon indicating that Dreamline DJ is a gold vendor on Vancity Weddings.
A weddingwire rated icon indicating that Dreamline DJ has been rated a five star Vancouver wedding DJ by over 25 reviews.

Save Time

Pick music, share vital info, and invite your guests to pick songs all within our planning app.

Unforgettable Parties

We only partner with the best Vancouver DJs who are experts at reading the room.

Past Clients:

Peace of Mind

Unlimited consultation time and email support to make you feel at ease.

Start a conversation with us today!

A little more about us!

Dreamline DJ is a boutique Vancouver DJ company that was founded in 2015 by Vancouver DJ Mathew Bittroff.

After years of providing DJ service for DJ companies across Alberta and BC, he decided to venture out on his own and set up in Vancouver, B.C.

Dreamline DJ works with a limited number of clients every year which gives us the time to provide the best DJ service possible.

A portrait of Mathew Bittroff - Vancouver Corporate Event DJ and General Manager of Dreamline DJ

Mathew Bittroff
General Manager / Lead DJ

frequently asked questions about Our DJ service:

[click to reveal answers]

As Seen On TikTok